He is in limbo. He is all alone. There is neither darkness or light. He has not seen or interacted with loved ones and acquaintances that passed away before him.
He told me that there was 200.00 in the right pocket of his leather jacket.
He doesn't know how he died. He seems certain that it was not a heart attack or pneumonia. He knows that he was not murdered. He did not commit suicide. When I asked if he fell and hit his head, there was no response.
He can hear me and feel me, but he can't see me. Yes, he can actually touch me and I won't feel it, but he does. I find this to be particularly interesting.
When I asked him if there were angels flying around playing harps, the pendulum nudged forward slightly. I believe it might have been a chuckle.
States that he is not happy, nor is he unhappy. He is not even neutral.
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