We, the True Citizens of the Land That Once Was, stand as the last defenders of freedom, justice, and the sacred traditions stolen from us. In the face of the corrupt, mindless subversives who bow before the false promises of the New World, we vow:
To Uphold the Sacred Past:
The old ways were righteous, and the past is our guiding light. No matter how the enemy tries to rewrite history, we shall teach the truth to our own.
We vow To Resist the Subversion of Our Culture:
The New World has replaced strength with weakness, honor with obedience, and faith with godless technology. We reject their hollow utopia.
We vow To Stand as the Last Guardians of True Freedom
The New World may have stripped us of weapons, but they cannot strip us of our will. We shall fight in the shadows, through sabotage, through disruption, through words and deeds that shake the foundation of their tyranny.
We vow To Expose the Lies of the so called new world
The Citizens of the New World live in a manufactured dream, blind to the chains upon them. It is our duty to awaken them—by any means necessary.
We vow To Reclaim Our Birthright
The land, the wealth, the power—they were stolen from us by the architects of the New World. We will take back what is ours, and restore the natural order.
We vow To Recognize the True Enemy
Those who wear the mark of the new world are not our brethren. They are traitors to the cause of humanity. There can be no compromise, no peace—only victory.
We vow To Never Surrender
No matter how they mock us, no matter how they hunt us, no matter how many fall we remain. We endure. We resist.
We pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to this cause, until the day the New World falls and the True Citizens rise again.
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