Boolsheet, Trava, Pivo ~ The Czechs

 Don't gif me boolsheet!

Czech Mike - Dreadlocks, played guitar and harmonica, likes reggae music - Describe the time when Mike DJ'd Rev Ralph's show at The Masquerade and Ralph fired him,

Tony Martinek - Guitarist on The World Revolves  who kind of resembled Pete Townsend. Describe incident when he played bass with Rev Ralph at The Masquerade. Died of Multiple Myeloma at the age of 57 at St. Vincent's Hospital, NYC

Peter Marek - Surrealist artist and musician. Plays the harmonica on Song for a South Carolina Girl/Dancing Daughter

Peter  Kroutl - Rasputin

Victor Jira - Guitarist on The World Revolves How you doin', Peter? Ebdeebody goot! I heard that he committed suicide, but it was never corroborated.

Pavel Matiach - Sidewalk art book seller on St. Mark Place. 

Steam Rax - Killed by a truck in Prague

The Lu Brothers - Big Lu and Little Lu

Pino - Looked like Billy Idol

Trava - Czech slang for marijuana

Pivo - Beer
