So you think that YOU'RE getting scammed!
The only ones that are getting scammed by Manhattan Fire and Safety are its employees. For those who would consider working there, consider this...Stay far away from this place! The compensation is disproportionate to the effort. No matter what they tell you, you will only ever take home $424.00 a week. He will pay you 5.00 an hour, lend you the 10.00 hour = 15.00 hour and you owe it to him. This keeps him in compliance with New York's 15.00 per hour minimum wage law that he clearly states during the first interview is the ONLY reason why he does this. Otherwise, this would probably be a commission only job which means that he would have NO employees! You will devote 60 hours a week - from the time you wake up for work until the time that you get home, to this company for 424.00 a week...that's all! Your life is effectively gone! Any opportunities that you might have pursued to advance your life and earn more money...GONE. You will be allowed three days off per quarter, three tardies and one early leave. If you take one more of any of those, you face a ten-day unpaid suspension, so you had better not have any emergencies in your life - no side gigs, no auditions, no working the polls on Election Day, no taking classes etc. You will spend your Saturday recovering and your Sunday preparing for another week of torture and humiliation. This company's ad is posted under talent on Craigslist as Inside Sales Position. If you have talent and are pursuing a career in music, acting etc...say goodbye to that. Stay away! ..The chairs are unsafe. When I told him that the chair was going to put me in a wheelchair, he told me to let him know when I need it and he will buy me a nice brand new wheelchair. When I acquired a chair that would save me from injury, he gave me grief about it. When I wanted to talk to him about it, I was told that his time was very valuable. I am now permanently disabled after a year and a half of sitting in it and he didn't care. After he fired me because I stood up to his bullying, I can't even collect unemployment...and guess what...I can't work either. Say goodbye to whatever you had going on in your life. This place will destroy your life!
As a former employee, I would like to issue this statement. If you enjoy being lied to, intimidated, bullied and gaslighted, this job is for you. If you don't mind being cheated out of your rightful wages that you work hard for, you will love working here. If giving up everything that you you have aspired to do with your life, even being a parent who can be there for an emergency involving your child, you should definitely seek employment here. If becoming permanently disabled due to long hours in an unsafe chair with less than adequate breaks so you can suffer pain and become unable to enjoy your retirement, this job is something that you should do. if you like being told that your time is not valuable, by all means, spend as much time as you like working here. Do not expect any unemployment benefits after you have been fired because you stood up for yourself. This is a criminal enterprise that preys on people who are simply trying to earn a living while trying to maintain a modicum of dignity and self-worth in an oppressive work environment and disguises itself as a legal company. They will find ways to legally screw you while smiling at you. They have it all figured out. Working at Manhattan Fire and Safety is an insult to your intelligence. It's up to you. You have been warned.
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