I would like to thank everyone in advance for:

inviting me to play or sing at their recording session                                                        inviting me to join or guest with their band                                                                      allowing me to participate in the mixing of my own recordings                                      telling me that they listened to and like my music                                                subscribing to my You Tube channel                                                                        telling me about opportunities to participate in musical activities                                  sending me a birthday or holiday card                                                                              being non-judgmental when something hurts or is bothering me                                      informing me of money-making opportunities when I am unemployed                            paying for my services                                                                                                      calling me just to see how I'm doing                                                                                  paying back a loan or a debt                                                                                            offering to help me with something without pay                                                              answering the phone when I call                                                                                        responding to my emails                                                                                                    telling me that they like, love, respect or appreciate me and meaning it                          apologizing

Oh wait! These are the things that I'M supposed to do!

P.S. These are just the things that I was able to think of in the last five minutes.                  I'll add more later.
