My Musical Journey

Ray Galindo & Friends Through The Decades

Guitars                                                                                                                                 1970s Tampa, Florida                                                                                                               Ray Galindo                                                                                                                                          David Carbonell Valentino                                                                                                                Jimmy Belote - Pegasus                                                                                                                            Terry Cagle - Broadway Star; Battle of the Bands at Papa's Dream, St. Petersburg, Florida *                Curt Smith                                                                                                                                              Rick Wynn - WT Band *                                                                                                                            Tony Miranda  WT Band *                                                                                                              

1980s Tampa, Florida                                                                                                                            Ray Galindo                                                                                                                                            Gary Rexroad - The Ybor City News Experimental Music Ensemble *                            Nolan Canova - Ray Galindo & Friends: Hyde Park Avenue Album                                                      Eric Walters RIP  - Ray Galindo & Friends                                                                                              Cosmic Dave Reid  - 115 Hyde Park Avenue  from Hyde Park Avenue Album                                       Tom Dowen RIP - Dance Like You Love Me from Hyde Park Avenue Album                                      Herman Dudley - The Count Bloodthirsty Show *                                                                                

1990s New York City                                                                                                                               Tony Martinek RIP - The International Subliminal Feedback Society                                                        Viktor Jira RIP - The International Subliminal Feedback Society                                                              Daniel 'Narayan' Ramos - Godson                                                                                                      Thomas Realm - Snottra Franks                                                                                                                    Mike Smith - The New Millennium Martian Band *                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2000s New York City                                                                                                                              Darryl Thompson RIP - Choking Smokers *                                                                                      2000s Tampa, Florida                                                                                                       Devon Ramos - Performance at Hillsborough Community College *                                                          John Shea - Galindo Cerrato & Shea                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2010s New York City                                                                                                                              Tommy Galione                                                                                                                                      Jack McLean                                                                                                                                      Bahama Kin - Ray Galindo & Friends                                                                                                          Sid Moskowitz - The Offenderz                                                                                                                    Don Black Cat Nine Lives Album       

Bass                                                                                                                                  1970s Tampa, Florida                                                                                                          Tim Burke - Broadway Star; Battle of the Bands at Papa's Dream, St. Petersburg, Florida                      Dennis Nails RIP - WT Band *                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1980s Tampa, Florida                                                                                                                      Scott Van Sickle Ray Galindo & Friends: Hyde Park Avenue from Hyde Park Avenue Album               Nolan Canova - You And Me from Hyde Park Avenue Album                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1990s New York City                                                                                                                             Ray Galindo                                                                                                                                          Marc West - She Fell Off A Bridge from The Bookstore Sessions                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2010s New York City                                                                                                      Tommy Galione                                                                                                                                      Clift Arden                                                                                                                                              Dave U Hall - The Offenderz                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020s Jersey City                                                                                                                            Nicola Stemmer - Nine Lives Album              

Piano, Organ, Keyboards                                                                                                    Ray Galindo                                                                                                                                          Ralph Ferrera RIP                                                                                                                              Jennifer MacDuffee - Hyde Park Avenue Album                                                                                         Jim Christie - Facts Of Life                                                                                                                        Stefan Paolini - Nine Lives Album            

Drums                                                                                                                                 Matt Cerrato                                                                                                                                          Chris Thurow - Broadway Star; Battle of the Bands at Papa's Dream, St. Petersburg, Florida *                Steve Martin-Caro - 115 Hyde Park Avenue                                                                                                Lu Badura - The International Subliminal Feedback Society                                                                      Tommy Galione                                                                                                                                  Charlie Sub - The Offenderz                                                                                                                        Paul Mirto - The Offenderz                                                                                                                        George Morales - The Offenderz                                                                                                                  Bree Plaza - The Offenderz                                                                                                                          Mick Oakleaf - The Offenderz, Nine Lives Album       

Trumpets and Trombones                                                                              Daryl Wren - The Ybor City News Experimental Music Ensemble *                                                      Mark Wren - The Ybor City News Experimental Music Ensemble  *                                                      Mac Gollehon - Nine Lives Album             

Saxophone                                                                                                                        Seaton Hancock - Nine Lives Album: Thousands Of Years             

Violins, Violas and Cellos                                                                                                         Susan Mitchell - Nine Lives Album

* No recordings exist

Bands with guitars and drums are on the way out                                                                                     You can't have a string quartet or a sitar in a pop song                                                                            You can't put a symphony orchestra tuning up in the middle of a song                                                  You can't release a double album with a plain white cover                                                                    You can't record a song that's longer than 2 1/2 minutes                                                                       You can't sing a song expressing sympathy for the devil                                                                        You can't have two drummers in a band There is no such thing as a rock opera                                      So please don't tell me that I can't have a harpsichord on my recording!

Led Zeppelin opened with The Song Remains The Same at the 'rained out' concert at Tampa Stadium in 1977. I was there with a band-mate Rick Wynn from the WT Band; a black cloud appeared over the stadium after three songs, and it began to rain on the stage. Robert Plant announced that water was getting on the stage and that they were concerned about their safety. They never returned to the stage. We left and we found out later that a riot had ensued.  I've heard that a group of Christians had gathered outside of the stadium and prayed for something to happen to stop this concert...even to the extent of praying for Jimmy Page's electrocution! I had the ticket-stub for years. I could have returned it for a the ten dollar refund. I wish I had it now! In my opinion, they are probably the ONLY band that could ever have been as important as The Beatles! Well, in a sociological sense, the Stones...I mean AFTER The Beatles. There were no more concerts at Tampa Stadium until The Who played there in the summer of 1989.

In 1979, I met Rev. Ralph in Ybor City. The next eight years were probably the most creative years in all of my years as a musician. I was writing a lot of songs and recording constantly with Ralph and with other musicians. It was a wonderfully mad time!

In the 1980s, Ybor City...the historic Latin Quarter in Tampa was fast becoming the Greenwich Village of Florida. Reverend Ralph the boogie woogie piano player wasn't an ordained reverend, but his raucous gospel revival style rock and blues show made one feel as though one was about to be slain in the Holy Spirit. Wearing his Cuban heeled Beatle boots, pomade plastered pompadour and always black too-tight clothes, he  entertained night after night in the sandwich shops and small beer and wine joints that lined 7th Avenue which was the main drag in good old Ybor City Ralph lived in storefronts, and many nights were spent in these storefronts, drinking Cuban coffee and recording some song I had written and presented to the "reverend" for his scrutiny and approval. If we were recording it...he liked it.

Gloria S. Holloway

I always thoroughly enjoyed Rev Ralph.. even enjoyed the time that his gig didn't work out all that well. i went to see him somewhere in Ybor one time when there was a mix-up & the venue had booked Ralph & somebody else too. Ralph's piano was in the venue - but when he was informed that the other person was gonna play instead of him, he proceeded to dismantle his piano right in front of our eyes & haul it away. I'm chuckling right now as i recall that incident. ah.. Rev Ralph. I miss him."

Today at 3 pm, my friend, the late great Rev. Ralph Ferrera will be honored by his family, friends and fans at a memorial service in Tampa, Fl. I knew Ralph for 35 years. I have a lot of great memories and some not so great, but that's how friendships can be. He was an incredibly talented and creative individual. He was four years older than me, and when I first met him when I was 19, I was in awe of him. He played a baby grand piano, wore a top hat when he performed, knew tons of Beatles songs and wrote his own. The first original song he played for me was called, "Claudia" at Tony Miranda's house. At that time, they were in a band called The Kordz. I met him again a few months later when he dragged his piano out of the El Pasaje Hotel onto the street and played with a number of friends for passersby. It was amazing...such energy! I was hooked. For the next ten years, I was with Ralph just about every other day with my guitar trying to learn his songs, singing harmony with him, and getting involved in various projects with him. Sometimes we just sat around in his storefronts for hours drinking coffee, talking about Krishna, music, , recording on occasion, listening to Bach and Beethoven. We would often go to the Slide Inn and have hamburgers and Ham's beer. They had an amazing jukebox that was loaded with old blues and gospel records by the likes of Lightnin' Hopkins and Rev. Julius Cheeks. I received my classical, blues and gospel education from Ralph. He taught me to sing to the person at the back of the room without a mic. He viewed me as naïve but talented - he liked my high tenor voice and my melodies, a young man that he could mold into a performer on par with him. It never happened. I could never be what he was. No one can...he was one of a kind! More later...I will be spending the day remembering Ralph, listening to his music and posting here as the memories enter my head...but for now, more coffee! Here's to you Ralphie boy!

In 1984, I met and fell in love with a wonderful woman named Jennifer MacDuffee. She is a classically trained pianist with whom I wrote a number of songs. We lived together for four years in Hyde Park, Tampa  During that time, there was always a piano in the apartment and I wrote mostly on the piano.

One beautiful evening in 1985 in Hyde Park, Tampa, and Jennifer and I decided to take a walk. We found ourselves on Kennedy Blvd where we ran into Rev. Ralph. He was hanging out with Steve and his wife Heather. They had just landed at Tampa International Airport from Ohio a couple of days prior. Ralph introduced Steve to me as the guy who had sung the 60's hit, Walk Away Renee by The Left Banke. Steve seemed displeased with the way he was introduced to me and reacted by saying, "Aw, Ralph, I told you not to tell anybody!" Steve seemed a bit anxious and he really wanted to smoke a joint.  We became good friends and he spent a lot of time at our house. He had become disillusioned with the music business, but he had fun with me and Jennifer. We ran a lot of tape. 

 I eventually left the nice comfortable 'apartment on the river' life I'd been living with my girlfriend for the last four years to rent my own storefront so I could live my bohemian musician lifestyle. I rented it out as a rehearsal space to local bands during the week and opened it as a coffee house on the weekends to raise the rent which was never paid. Hey!...I was in business and I was a bachelor!  I christened it ARTS ALIVE!, and it caught on quickly. It was voted 'Hip Pick of the Week' on the cover of Creative Loafing...a local entertainment and lifestyle weekly newspaper. All these old hippies started showing up with their wooden flutes; neo-beatniks brought their cosmic- subversive poetry., sculptures, paintings - things were hanging and growing out of the walls...spinning in the window...skinheads and ghetto blacks on the same stage pounding out some kind of insane Punk/Blues/Rap that was fueled by lots of reefer and beer. It was an experiment. People as the tool by which creative expression; planned or spontaneous through different mediums can be presented simultaneously to an audience who are also a component in the final unveiling of a living object de'arte. 

I acquired my first 4-Track cassette deck in 1987. Before that all recording was done with whatever was available at the time - Walkmans, old reel to reels and cassette decks...with a couple of trips into a recording studio. I have hours of recordings and I am editing and compiling them chronologically into a comprehensive document of that eight year period beginning in Ybor City, continuing in Hyde Park and culminating in my return to Ybor City when I founded ARTS ALIVE!. 115 Hyde Park Avenue was Ralph's address at that time, and It was a magical time! I hope that my friends here who were there will enjoy it!.

Marty was a chubby and very lovable Jewish guy who showed up at ARTS ALIVE! one day armed with a guitar and a head full of  ideas. He had played King Herod in a travelling production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Rap was a new medium and Marty wanted to write and stage the  world's first Rap Opera. He called it a Rappera and he wanted me to help him record it 

Knock knock..."Wha?"...BANG BANG BANG!'s the front door. Sounds like the cops!. Bang Bang Bang!!…I get up still feeling the effects of last night's over-indulgences..." head"...The first thing I see is a large McDonald's bag with a large round belly as its backdrop. It's 7:00 am and there's Marty with a big smile.

"Ready to record?"

"'s 7:00 am!"

"I know...I brought you some breakfast!"

I was a vegetarian at the time having just read a book by Bhaktivedanta Swami Sri Prabupadha called The Higher I wasn't too impressed..BUT! was free food. 

All covered in bad karma.


At 4:00 every Friday the Hare Krishnas would show up with Prsadm which was Holy Food  prepared for Krishna who would then give us the leftovers which was usually more than enough for the old Hippies and Neo-Beatniks who had no money for food and were looking for a Spirit of the Sixties Maharishi type of experience to colour their otherwise drab work a day ordinary lives. I was told that even if the Holy Food was poisoned, it would be rendered harmless by Krishna's mercy. We called it The Love Feast. I'd play an Evening Raga by Ravi Shankar as the Temple Priest floated to the stage which appeared to be throbbing from the combination of make-shift stage lights and fans and sat down on a large cushion covered with saffron cloth. After much chanting, proselytizing and feasting,. our bald headed friends  would load their empty pots into their van and fly away on their Karma free cloud  satisfied that they had fed and won a few converts go to bother Reverend Ralph.

ENTER THE POETS!!!...The poets were the life blood of ARTS ALIVE!. They' usually went on when I was opening for the weekend. ARTS ALIVE! wasn't open for the evening. It was open for the weekend.5:00 pm Friday until 8:00 Monday morning when the Travel Agency next door opened. Everyone would shower in the sprinkler system in the parking lot for the bank across the street unless there was a nice warm rain. Skip was The Beach Poet Freeze-dried Doggie. Mike Moore was The Hectic Eclectic and Norman Bie was The Devious Deviant and The Rockapella Poet. What a cast! The poets never balked at the $2.00 donation and were always happy to exceed it ten fold. They wanted a place where they could hear themselves over the monitor system. Poets love to hear their own voices. I noticed that people didn't usually stick around for poets so ...  

One afternoon, a bus pulls up.                                                                                                                     "Hey man ,we're The Neo-Bohemian Society. You said we could do our thing here.".                            "I did?"                                                                                                                                                "Yeah. We talked on the phone three months ago."                                                                                "Oh yeah...come on in."                                                                                                                       "We're not allowed to play anywhere ... we always get thrown out!"...                                              "Well come in!!"'                                                                                                                                   They proceeded to unload from the bus the instruments of their craft - oil drums, chainsaws, slide projectors and a fat guy who could scream like Yoko Ono. 

He Yokoed for at least 30 minutes and didn't clear the room. Amazing!

Kanye was rude to Taylor Swift when she was basking in her moment of victory, Justin thinks he can drive his car at 100 mph in a zone where children live and then threaten to kill the father of one of his fans, and Jay-Z calls Paul McCartney some old white guy who can rock! Idiots...all of them! Is anybody whistling their tunes? And why was Kanye wearing a skirt at the 12/12/12 concert? Why was he even there?

Patrick McCormickBeatle's shit. You're tooobsessive. Told ya before, John Lennon himself would tell you to give it a rest                      

                                                                         Galindo: Sure, Pat. My internet bill is 80.00 a month. Where should I send it?                                                                                                              


I just woke up from a most unusual dream. I was walking with my friend, Jism, the singer for the NYC punk band Ism. As we passed by a barber shop, I looked in and saw my late friend, Rev. Ralph's father sitting alone. I asked Jism to wait a moment while I went inside to talk to Ralph Sr. I asked him if he remembered me. He said that he did not. I told him that I had gone to his house as a young man with his son on a number of occasions and that he had once given me a haircut at his home. His eyes were teary, but he smiled and 'pretended' to remember me. I told him that his son was a good friend of mine and that he had been a huge influence on my life - as a musician and as a man. I guess I wanted him to know that someone still remembered and cared about his son, and I wanted to reassure him that Ralph was someone who had left a lasting impression on someone else's life. I shook his hand and told him that one day I may come in for a haircut. Ralph Ferrera Sr. was a barber by trade. He passed away in 2008. His son, Rev Ralph was a fine musician and a great entertainer. He passed away in 2014. RIP gentlemen!
My mom died in November and Ralph inFebruary. They were the two
 most important people in my life. Ralph has been in my life since I was eighteen. I don't know an existence without them and it is very weird...surreal living on this planet without their presence. My mother has not come to me in my dreams. Ralph has. I spent more time in my life with Ralph than I did with my own mother. Ralph was five years older than me, so I looked up to him as an older brother. Basically, between mom and Ralph, I am who and what I am because of their influence. Looking back, Ralph really taught me many of the values that I would have adopted from my father if I had had one in my life. Of course, he got it from his Pop. So, I guess in a way your Pop was my Pop too!



M1talSrp4hoc1hs 019, 20lad18 
Shared with Only me
Only me
I have always been hated for being a musician. I wonder why that is. I'm not sure if that's it...maybe because I'm a songwriter. Yeah! That's it! They hate my songs!
Now that I have figured it out, I feel better!

Jeri Sauls and 1 other


  • Martin Dalmasi
    Me too!!!!!!......people hate someone that has some creative talent. Remember the librarian at HCC?
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  • Ray Galindo
    Her name?
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  • Martin Dalmasi
    She wanted to kill me after I did a show in the student center. She was angry because I "showed off" on several instruments
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  • Martin Dalmasi
    I mean highly angry. Not just a joke or something. Like ballistic
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  • Martin Dalmasi
    She went ballistic on me in the library
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  • John Gabriele
    Maybe your just an asshole ...most of us are ,we just dont know it...
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    Hide 22 Replies
    • Martin Dalmasi
      Oh wow. I don't even know you. But thanks for the "encouragement "
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    • John Gabriele
      Thats alright ..its just the one thing we almost never consider ..
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    • Martin Dalmasi
      Hmmmmm......go to hell?.......
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    • Ray Galindo
      I just got home, and I wasn't expecting this.
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    • Martin Dalmasi
      Yea, I don't know this man and he started insulting my responses to your original message
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    • Martin Dalmasi
      Called me an asshole
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    • Ray Galindo
      I think he was responding to my post, Martin. I know John. He wouldn't insult you like that.
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    • Martin Dalmasi
      I told him to go to hell
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    • John Gabriele
      Sorry guys , l wasnt trying to insult anyone , it was just an attempt at humor, sorry if anybody was offended ...but if you dont appreciate off the cuff responses like mine, ya really shouldnt post absurd statments onto my notification board .... I just thought it was an attempt at self deficateing humor and was playing along
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    • John Gabriele
      Thanx for vouching for my motives Ray ...l really thought l'd just get a chuckle , l never meant no harm guys ,reall ,like you said Martin , l dont even know you and l apologize for overstpping my bounds
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    • Martin Dalmasi
      Did you even bother to actually read my incident in the library?
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    • John Gabriele
      Yes l did ,and it led me believe l could lighten the moment with humor ...l guess l was mistaken ....
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    • Ray Galindo
      John, I sent you a hello to your message box about a month ago.
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    • Martin Dalmasi
      I post those things to illustrate how musicians get all the shit dumped on them by people like her, like we re all show offs and bad people. Musicians work hard. We never master the music ever. It's hard.
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    • Ray Galindo
      And these fucking DJ's!
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    • Martin Dalmasi
      And so what? It's called a SHOW after all
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    • John Gabriele
      I was away on location on a job doing a lot of hours on a film ,l must have missed it ...sorry ,i usually respond to messages ,especially from names l recognize
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    • Ray Galindo
      Martin Dalmasi Can't do it without a sharing heart and the confidence to 'show it off'
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    • John Gabriele
      Im really confused here and feeling like an interloper...l think it best l just wish you gentlemen a good night..
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    • Ray Galindo
      John Gabriele You're fine, John... don't worry about it. Look at the comments below.
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    • John Gabriele
      Thanx Ray ..stay cool bro..
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  • Ray Galindo
    Look at all this time and energy that was wasted. I posted a bunch of my videos. Maybe we could have spent time on that...or am I the only one who checks out my friends' work? Don't believe me? Check out My Friends Rock
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  • Ray Galindo
    I think the point of my post has been proven.
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  • Ray Galindo
    The only reason that I post this stuff is to make it permanent before it all falls off of the tapes and before I croak. Maybe someone will give a shit then. It is always my hope that some musicians will take an interest in my work and help me get it onto the stage...but it will never happen because, as I said, everyone hates me for being a songwriter...maybe I should regress to playing Jimmy Buffett songs. How many were there...two?
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