9 Lives Reviews

I lost a lot of money here and wound up with inferior mixes. Nicola doesn't care about you as an artist. He's strictly about the money and wants you out of there as fast as he can get rid of you. I made a huge mi$take when I chose 9 Lives. $20,000.00 gone and I have nothing to show for it. I would have stopped sooner if I had known that I would be excluded from the mixing process. How does he fix the problem? Sends me my files and tells me to do it somewhere else! I already paid for hours just to come in and mix. He zeroed out everything and did whatever the hell he wanted to do expecting that I will take whatever he gives me because I supposedly don't know any better. He was very wrong!

Yeah...Love while he's collecting your cash until you want to and paid to participate in the mixing of your own music. Then there is no love...only Nicola's ego. Be sure to get a written agreement and receipts so you can sue later. Too important to answer his phone. This turned into a nightmare for me. Twenty grand down the drain and endless depression to follow! Stay as far away from this place as you can!

The owner/engineer, knows his stuff when it comes to tracking. Don't even think of participating in the mixing of your own tracks if he doesn't like your personality. He considered me a 'total hysteric because I laugh and dance around when I like what I hear. Here is a guy who does not only know how to have fun making music, but he doesn't like the artist to have fun either. That makes us hysterics! After I paid the thieving motherfucker his hourly fee of $60.00 to come in and mix - to the tune of about $3000.00, the dirty piece of shit undid everything and started from scratch completely disregarding all of the money that I had paid and all of the work that I had done. The bastard offered me a deal on the mixing and then the son of a whore left instruments out of the mix saying that they were out of tune. They were not out of tune. He just didn't want to do it because he felt that he was being underpaid. If you have a vision for your final product, do not let this prick mix your music unsupervised. If it's too much work for him, he will leave instruments out of the mix and tell you that they were out of tune. Really, Nicola? Your piano and organ are out of tune? Somehow, I became the 'bad guy' when I objected. What I wound up with were mixes that were so far removed from my vision that I can't even listen to them. I wish that I

had known this before I recorded the first note. There are other better studios out there where your artistry can be respected. This one is not recommended. I am now $20,000.00 poorer and I have NOTHING to show for it! I have never been more depressed in my life. He should stick to recording jingles. Total narcissist! I'm glad I stopped everything when I did. He would have wiped me out. I should have stopped sooner. Now instead of trying to correct what he has done, he is trying to gaslight me by saying that I need bi-polar medication. That's his method of getting away with ripping people off. The customer is NEVER right at Nine Lives. This son of a bitch should find another line of work. He is the reason why I can't fucking sleep at night. Piece of shit. I hope he drops dead!

Find another studio to record your music. This one is a waste of time and money!
