Matt Cerrato

 I have known Matt Cerrato since I was 13 years old -1973. I have always considered him my best and oldest friend. He is the older brother that I never had. Our common bond has always been music. I used to get on the school bus with my guitar, go to Homeroom and English, then head over to Matt's where he had his Ludwig drums set up in a room on the side of his house. I would plug into a huge bass amp and bash away. He turned me on to Genesis, Gentle Giant, Triumverat, Aphrodite's Child, King Crimson, Tomita, Chick Corea and countless others. We went to see Kiss and White Witch. We went to Britton Plaza Theater to see Devil's Rain, Road Warrior and The Incredible Melting Man... his treat. He turned me on to Doritos and Steak-umms. Matt can fix anything and build anything. Matt taught me how to take an old bicycle and turn it into a cool new looking bike. He taught me how to replace the brakes on my van. He is the funniest person I know. He played drums for me on See The Painter, You And Me, Hyde Park Avenue, City Of My Heritage and God Save The Gun. He has rescued me when I was was stranded and made me laugh when my heart was broken. He came to me one day when his girl left him and asked if my girlfriend had a friend that he could hook up with. She did. He married her, had a wonderful daughter and is a grandfather to three great boys who call me Uncle Ray. We were out of touch for many years after I moved back to New York. I went to Tampa in 2006 and was invited to his daughter's house for a holiday gathering. There were probably 50 relatives there. All he wanted was a girlfriend for awhile and he created an entire clan. My friend Matt is not in great health right now. I am very concerned about him. I do not want to ever have to go to Florida for any reason. I will go for my friend Matt if he calls for me. Let's hope I don't have to. That will mean that he is feeling better and we'll be two old men clicking our dentures and reminiscing about the good old days...we used to joke about that. Matt means a lot to me. He is a very important person to me and I love him very much. My mother and my grandmother loved him. Matt enjoys his life and he brings enjoyment to those around him. The world is a better place with him in it. We need for him to stick around. I don't know yet what is wrong, his daughter will call me with an update. Until then, please pray for his recovery.

