The Non-Binary Bug

After reading Kafka's Metamorphosis, I wasn't sure if I was a bug who wanted to be a man or a man who wanted to be a bug. So I figured that the best thing to do was to not identify as a bug or a man or to identify as all or none of the above,. The problem was, which bug would I want to be? Did I want to be one kind of bug? Two kinds of bugs? All kinds of bugs or not a bug at all. OR...did I want to be neither a bug or a man? I solved the problem by looking in the mirror. It was then that I determined that I was not a bug, nor did I want to be a bug. I happily accept that I am a man and not a bug. I hope that Congress will not waste taxpayer money debating whether or not they should pass laws to ensure me the right to try to figure this out without discrimination. They have important work to do, and they had better get to it. It is my business if I want to think of myself as a bug, as a man or none or all of the above. Until I can figure it out, maybe I'll just come out and declare myself speciesless to the world. You MUST accept this. I will go on television and announce that from this day forward, I shall be referred to and addressed as It.
